The Mouse

The Mouse is a character that requires a high level of mechanics and strategy due to her versatility. She is a shapeshifter who wields a yoyo as her choice of weapon. She can manipulate her size at will and change her playstyle according to the situation. She’s can short-ranged and long-ranged.


  • Mouse swings her yoyo in a wide arc, damaging enemies in front of her.

    When enlarged, the yoyo hits harder, dealing increased damage.

    ❥When shrunk, the yoyo moves faster.

  • Mouse throws her yoyo at a target enemy, tethering them to her. While tethered, the enemy's movement is impaired.

    When enlarged, Mouse pulls the enemy towards her.

    When shrunk, Mouse is pulled towards the enemy.

  • Mouse spins her yoyo in a circle around her, creating a whirlwind of kinetic energy.

    When enlarged, the whirlwind damages enemies upon contact.

    ❥When shrunk, it deflects incoming projectiles upon contact.

  • Mouse can change her and her yoyo's size at will.

    ❥Enlarging boosts her attack power.

    ❥Srinking enhances her speed and agility.